A Diet For Your Hair

Today I want to talk about what I call your hair diet. The most important aspect of your hair journey is to develop a solid hair care regimen. Now, how you develop this regimen is truly a matter of trial and error. I started out with a few basic products: shampoo, creme based leave in conditioner, essential oils, and natural hair gel. The key is pick one day a week, and designate that as your "wash day." It is also important to pre- poo (putting essential oil in your hair prior to wash.) Something else that you can do in between washes is co washing. Co washing is when you wash your hair with conditioner only. This is helps add moisture and its a quick alternative when you need to re wet your hair. I will discuss styling in another post so all I will say right now is; keep manipulation (styling) to a minimum. Once you have set your style for the week, two weeks, month ect... leave it alone.

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